Quilting Service Hobbs 80/20 Bleached Batting 96"

This Batting is only available for our Quilting Service. It is not sold separately. 
Indicate in your email you wish to add this batting to your quilt service and we will price it out for you.
The cost of the batting is .30 per linear inch
Developed with Harriet Hargrave, the nationally known quilter and author of Heirloom Machine Quilting, Hobbs offers one of the best 80% cotton/20% polyester battings on the market. The combination of long staple cotton fibers and polyester gives you a strong, long wearing batting. It can be quilted as close as 1/4" and as far as 3-1/2" apart. It maintains its loft and needles wonderfully whether you machine or hand quilt. If used straight from the package, it will shrink up to 5% giving you the desired look of antique puckering. Pre-washing will give your quilt a contemporary look. 3-5% shrinkage


The Bobbin Robin Shop's Motto is Creating and Donating. A portion from the sale of this fabric will be donated to this month’s charity